Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cooking: Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree (and puddings)

The Christmas cooking vibe has hit me for the first time and although I'm not really a cake baker I got inspired by my cousin Audie's Crabapple Bakery cupcake cookbook and whipped up these christmas tree cupcakes. It's a WHOLE LOTTA FROSTING to eat in one sitting and to tell you the honest truth those cachous are kinda crunchy but they're super cute. The cake part of the cupcake was really good and I think a recipe I will use again with more subdued frosting, it has brandy and fruit mince in the mixture and a liberal dose of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, which makes it Christmassy but still really light.

As I was inspired I found a recipe for those little balls that you make by breaking down a fruit cake and mixing it with delicious rummy goodness so I made these mini plum puddings as well :) They're dipped in white chocolate (which is a travesty when eaten along but ok for decoration) and I used my new found icing skills to add some holly to the top.


Kelli said...

they look gorgeous Kat, well done! I want the recipe for the little pudding balls please!

KatinSpace said...

Hi Kelli, Thanks :) I got it from this site.

Although I normally use for all my recipe needs I just found this by googling.

Anonymous said...

Don't tone down the frosting on the xmas trees, never too much frosting in my opinion :) Hope you feeling okay, xxxxxx