Friday, June 5, 2009

Just a Quickie!

Hi Knitizens, Friends and Family :) It's the Queen's birthday long weekend and as an atheist republican I'ld just like to say God Bless the Queen for being born so we can have a long weekend.

So here is my new wheel! Bee-you-ti-ful!

Below I've added piccies of the plate that I painted with Matt on my birthday morning also with the mugs that Matty painted. We had so much fun and I love eating off my new crockery it just makes me so happy. I'm doing a theme called "Life is" and my next plates are going to be "Life is nuts" with squirrels on it and "Life is a hoot" with an owl painted on it which I got from my friend Andrea who is mental about owls like me :) I can't wait to go back to Robert Gordon and do more.


chocolatetrudi said...

The plate is adorable. How about "Life is Purrfect"?

KatinSpace said...

Awesome! I love it!