Thursday, January 8, 2009

Engagement Annoucement

CONGRATULATIONS to my Rita my very best friend who also holds the record for being my friend with the longest tenure (lol) for her engagement that occurred on Christmas Day. This piccy taken soon after shows the dewy eyed lovebirds. Needless to say I'm very happy because she deserves the best things in the world and Owen is finally a man who equals her awesomeness.

Christmas Day was very fun starting off with present unwrapping at home and then breakkie with Pat (Matt's Mum), lunch at Chez Rita and who could say what happened in the evening because that was a pretty busy start to the day. Christmas present giving fever below.

(all photograpic credit to my friend Chris who is an obsessive photo taker bless his cotton socks)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey! Heartiest congratulations (and jubilations) to Rita (and fiance)! Nice to see everyone in the photos!! chris sharp, what a cutie. How's michelle?