My Dad has often talked about getting a tattoo. He's a thoughtful man and has been deliberate in picking the design. He got some Chinese characters that say China Rose which is a nod to the time that Mum and Dad spent in China (the first two characters are Zhong Guo which is China in Chinese) and also my Mum's chinese name Mei Gui (Rose).

The actual tatt was very fast and Dad was very cool and didn't even say that it hurt all that much. Below is a close up of the characters. I think that it's a very bold and meaningful tattoo that my Dad will love for the rest of his life and it was a pleasure to be involved in the getting of it.

There are times in your life when you realise that something you take for granted like a feeling that has always been there but should really be cherished and when I was with my father this visit I cherished the hell out of him. I was very conscious of how much I love him and I wanted to not let that just be a passive emotion because he's my Dad and of course you love your Dad but a real decisive and powerful memory that I can draw on forever. I also got Matt to take some fantastic huggy pics as follows.
Photos of me and my Dad.

Very cool:) What did your Mum think?
She thought it was very romantic! and that he was very brave.
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