We didn't want to have Lucy OD on her first easter with solids so we decided to mostly give chocolate a miss and we have been putting together some cute presents for Lucy to recieve from the easter bunny.

Firstly I knitted a
gnome baby and a little blankie and pillow and Matt whipped up the cutest slopey legged gnome bed that you have ever seen. After a childhood obsession with David the gnome (which is a cartoon) I find myself returning to them again and again.
Then I knitted
some bees because Lucy really likes 'The Hive' on TV and she will ask to watch it every day. We have a few eps saved on the Tivo and as it only goes for five minutes sometimes it's a nice time out.

I knitted some
tiny bunnies, it is Easter/Ēostre after all and putting aside my nonreligiousness I'm quite excited to have an easter egg hunt with my bubba. I attached a bobby pin to a flower I knitted a little while ago in the hopes that some day Lucy might actually let me do something with her hair.

The other eggs have matchbox cars, superballs and
one Kennedy and Wilson chocolate frog (an homage to Harry Potter).